The following passage is from the novel, "Then...A Patriot I"ll Be". It recounts the experience of three young friends in their small boat on the Charles River, as their lack of seamanship forces them dangerously close to the encampment of the British Army on the Boston Common...
...Our arrival came up on us before we knew it. First, you could smell the campfires smoldering. As we got closer, you could actually see the smoke rising into the air from behind the trees. We were starting to get excited and nervous at the same time. All of us on board were talking of how easy it will be to just sail past the camping regulars, and onto our intended mission. Approaching closer still, I remember distinctly hearing the commotion of camp, and the officers belting out their orders, all the while, the drums beating to their cadences. We had drifted so close now, that we could all smell the horses that were corralled near the river. Our conversation lessened and lessened as our ears and eyes became more and more attentive. We were practically right around the bend from being in clear view of the camp. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it would fly out of my chest. “We’ll just pay them no mind, and they’ll let us pass”, my friend Joseph assured us as we sailed closer to the soldiers. Joseph, being one of the braver of my mates was always dependable enough to talk us through our plans, and provide reassurance as some of us would begin to fear what we had gotten ourselves into. Then, as we came within sights of the scarlet coats and white canvas tents, quiet would envelop the boat. Now, no one was speaking; not even the brave Joseph. The only sounds were of the water lapping gently against the side of our vessel as it glided over the small waves, and the light flapping of our one canvas sail in the calm wind. We weren’t supposed to be near their camp, and we well knew it.
Oscar noticed that we weren’t exactly where we wished to be in proximity to the common. We were drifting closer to shore then we expected. Our original plan was to stay farther out in the River, to hopefully appear small enough to not be noticed much. That plan was now a thing of the past. We were catching a crosswind, and it was blowing us closer to land; closer to the red coats that were camping in the common. None of us being proficient enough sailors, we couldn’t quite overcome the wind, and steer ourselves clear of the soldiers and back out to the middle of the river. We were in trouble indeed. Even brave Joseph was starting to show his uneasiness. “Oscar, we’ve got to get back to the middle of the river”! He yelled. “The Brits are libel to give us a black powder welcoming party if we get too close to their camp”, was his follow up statement. Thinking back, that wasn’t exactly the statement any of us needed to hear at that time. Oscar was trying his best, but we couldn’t shake the wind. As he was steering, the rest of us tried to no avail at using our hands as paddles to correct our position. All that resulted was uncoordinated splashing and even more panic and confusion. Looking toward the shore, I noticed that we had gotten the attention of a group of soldiers. They were following us along the river bank as we sailed on. Joseph said that he noticed one of them say something to another, and that man went off running towards the middle of camp. “That really cannot be a good sign”, I told Joseph. “I was thinking the same thing”, he replied. As Oscar was still struggling with the winds, the rest of us saw a man emerge in small clothes from one of the larger canvas tents. As he put his scarlet coat and sword on, it was apparent to us that he was an officer. That soldier must have run off and notified his superiors that intruders were coming closer and closer to the camp. The problem was, we were the intruders.
We were now no farther than fifty yards from the shore of the commons. By now, there was quite a display of British troops lining the banks to have a look at the brazen craft that had dared to come so close to the restricted area of their camp. The officer appeared from the middle of the group. He had a quick conversation with one of his men, and then he took action. He cupped his hands around his mouth to make a funnel to enable his words to be heard more clearly by us. “You must not come any further”, he yelled out to us in his “aristocratic tone”. “Immediately strike your colors, and stand down”, was his next order. “We have no colors to strike”, Oscar nervously said to me, “and I don’t know how to stand down”. To our horror, we noticed small boats on the shore of the camp, in which parties of men were now boarding fully armed, with the attention to launch into the river. No doubt, they were coming for us. Though it was apparent to us that we had no control of our vessel due to inexperience, the officer on land couldn’t tell this from his position. He had to make sure of our intentions, and the safety of his encampment. In what seemed like a blink of an eye, the launches were in the river, and rowing toward our out of control boat.
As they got closer, we heard the scariest words that you could ever hear from an enemy officer while “at sea”. “Prepare to be boarded. Any resistance would indicate your aggressive intentions, and you will be fired upon accordingly”, the officer from the beach announced. As the words came out of his mouth, the regulars on the shore had already formed their lines, and were now presenting muskets in preparation for a volley, should we not comply with their officer’s demands. Still not being able to control our vessel, it continued its dangerous course toward the troops. Our continued approach must have been a signal to the soldiers that we weren’t about to comply with their orders, and the next thing we heard was, “FIRE”! I don’t believe they fired deliberately at us however. To this day, I think they fired into the air as a warning shot. Of course, none of us on board saw the shots, as we all ducked down upon hearing the command from the officer. It must have been a beast of a volley, if it was anything like it sounded. The sound was deafening. It must have been about twenty or so muskets firing at once. I believe that if they wanted to hit us, they would have. Oscar, the first to lift his head up made the discovery. “Now we are in big trouble lads”, he exclaimed as he looked out over the side of the boat. The rest of us lifting our heads up at once saw the unsettling vision for ourselves. There were four launches, containing about eight soldiers a piece, about ten yards off of our port side. They meant business. They not only had their muskets at the ready, but bayonets were affixed, and ready for use. Standing up in the launch nearest us, The British boat officer barked out his orders of compliance. “Drop any weapons, and stand ready to be boarded”. He only had to wait about five seconds before he received his response. Apparently, our brave mate Joseph must have forgotten how to be brave, for he answered the British officer without delay. “We are here in peace and have no weapons”, he cried out. “You may board us at your will”. Sure we were all thinking the same as him, but now as I remember it, it was quite humorous that the bravest amongst us was the first to offer unconditional surrender. Humorous, indeed, though at the time, there was no humor to be found in our predicament once so ever.
We all stood up in the boat to show that we were unarmed, and in strict compliance with the officer’s instructions. The launches edged closer and closer to us until they were almost within arm’s reach. The boat with the officer pulled right up alongside of us, and he transferred from his boat to ours. Before saying a word, he looked around our vessel thoroughly, as if he was going to find our hidden cache of smuggled weapons, or a container filled with dispatches from high ranking Bostonians intended for vile rebellious leaders somewhere past the reach of the troops. Instead, he only found four terrified young men trembling almost to the point of dispelling their lunch over the side of the boat (brave Joseph, in tears), and a small basket of fruit that we had taken with us for our “journey at sea”. “What is your business in these waters”, he smugly asked? “Where are you from? What reason do you present for sailing this wretched tub so close to the camp of his majesty’s troops”? These were only some of the questions he asked us, as I don’t recall all of them at present.
Scared to death, not one of us had the courage to speak; for we figured whatever we said would be misconstrued. How are you going to tell an officer in the British Army, “We were attempting to illegally bypass your checkpoint at the neck, and search out the gallows that were alleged to have been there”? Yeah, right. That kind of tale would enable us to see the gallows alright. We would have a great view as we were swinging from them, misjudged, and executed as spies. Instead, we were all silent, except for Joseph’s whimpering, of course. “Have a seat, gentlemen”, the officer order to us, which of course we did right away. With that, four of the rowers from the launches boarded us, and proceeded to put our vessel under way. “Where are we intended for”, asked Oscar? “This is my boat, and what right do you have to crew it without my consent”, he blurted out; seemingly now remembering what bravery was. The officer walked over to him slowly and unsheathed his cutlass. He put it to poor Oscar’s throat, and squinted his eyes. “You must care not for where you are going boy. Care only what happens to you when you arrive”! Now, Oscar decided to grow silent again. “For you should know young man”, lectured the officer. “This is now his majesty’s vessel, and it will perform in the service of King George from hence forward”. “Oh my”, I thought. “This couldn’t possibly get any worse. We had been boarded by British troops, and now they had commandeered Oscar’s inherited treasure. What could be worse than the predicament we had found ourselves in now”? This was a question I wasn’t prepared to have answered. As I looked out and caught our bearings however, I would receive the answer anyway. We were headed right for the commons, to the spot where the British army was encamped.
Arriving to shore, the boat was beached on the sandy coast of the commons. “Rise up lads, and move out”, was the command from the officer. We did as we were told, and one by one leaped over the side of the boat into the ankle deep water, and then clambered up onto the shore. Commanded to form a single line, we were then led under armed guard through the maze of canvas tents. I distinctly remember the looks we were getting from the soldiers as they were sitting in front of their tents broiling their suppers. They all stopped their employ and looked deeply at us as we passed by. It seemed almost as if they felt for us some. They could tell that we were scared, and they probably understood the feeling. Arriving at a strange place, and asked to perform their duty without knowing what to expect from the inhabitants was a situation familiar to them as well.
Every now and then, we would get some abuse. “Hey rebel, how’s it feel to be on the other side? It’s all over for you scoundrels now. You’ll be wearing a halter by morning, traitors”! Those were only some of the remarks that I recall. We did receive plenty more. Usually, as the abuse came, the officers present would scold the offenders. “Keep it down lads, mind your suppers and worry not of our guests, or you will soon have your own pain to worry about”, would come from the superiors to their insulting men.
Making our way through the streets of this “city”, we finally arrived at a large white marquee tent set off from the rest. “Wait here boys, you’ll be addressed shortly,” the officer instructed us. He then made his way past the sentries standing guard, and into the tent. We waited outside for some time, and then the officer returned from the tent. “Follow me, and mind your manners in this dwelling”, he barked at us. We of course followed his lead, and took his advice.
Carefully entering the tent, not knowing what to expect, our senses were on high alert. “Are we now prisoners or England? Are we being held as spies? Will we be hanged?” Those were just some of the thoughts racing through my nervous mind. I’m sure there were similar, if not exact worries flooding the thoughts of my mates as well, but they were also silent. Once all of us were inside, we focused our eyes on a tall, lanky, older officer that likewise was focusing on us. He had on a nicely powdered grey wig. I could tell it was made of the highest quality, and wondered briefly, if perhaps Edward Gerrish or his master had constructed it. On a hook in the tent; there hung his beautiful scarlet red coat and his impeccably clean black tri corn cap with gold trim. “Impressive accoutrement indeed”, I thought to myself. “This is a powerful gentleman of the king’s army. What are we in for now”? “Good day gentlemen”, was the first thing that came out of his mouth. The second was a surprise to me. He turned to his subordinate officer that brought us to him, and told him, “That’ll be all captain. You may leave us, and I’ll summons you if I feel your presence is necessary”. “Don’t you wish for my report on these men, sir”, asked the inferior captain. The higher ranking officer, seeming a little annoyed to be questioned by this man, replied firmly, “My only wish is for you to leave us to ourselves captain. Please don’t require me to tell you again”. Now humbled, the younger officer replied, “As you wish sir”. With that he turned about and left the tent, making sure to not engage in eye contact with any one inside.
The old officer was seated in his small clothes, on a bench at a field desk, sipping what appeared to be red wine; perhaps port, or Madeira. As an inn keeper, I could recognize my liquors pretty well. “I am Colonel Mills”, he proclaimed. “And it appears you lads have found yourself in quite a pickle”. He paused for a minute, carefully planning his words before continuing with his speech. “I have been told what transpired out there on the river, and I must say I’m disturbed with what I have heard.” “Excuse me sir”, I tried to jump in. “Let me finish young man”! He bellowed to me in his deep voice as he arose from his bench. “You were told that lack of respect won’t be tolerated in here, and I expect you to act accordingly”! I quieted down again, and kept silent as the colonel spoke. I wouldn’t interrupt him again. “Now, from what I was told, you boys were rounded up as spies for sailing on the outskirts of my camp, and you didn’t respond to my officer’s command to stop your boat. This required you to be forcibly boarded, and your boat commandeered. I want to know why”, he stressed. After a brief pause, he instructed “Now, you may speak, but one at a time. I will not tolerate voices speaking over each other. Who is first?” the colonel asked.
I had sensed that he wasn’t a vicious man, and didn’t entirely believe what he was told about us. He sensed we were terrified, and I believed he wanted to put us at ease while answering his questions. “My name is Jonathan Crane, sir”, I blurted out. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to tell you our side of the story”. “Then, by all means, proceed Mr. Crane”, he replied, as he sat back down on his bench and sipped out of his glass. I crafted the greatest story that I could at the time to get us off the hook. I told the colonel of how Oscar had received his boat, and we were only taking it out for its inaugural sail. I left out the particulars about our intentions of passing the checkpoint, and reaching the gallows, of course. I pleaded to him that we hadn’t intended on coming into his camp’s perimeters. I stressed to him that we were not yet sufficient sailors, and lost control of our ship. “A strong, healthy breeze put us on a course toward your camp, and we couldn’t re-direct the boat”. I described to him. “Had we been proficient at seamanship, we never would have had the pleasure of even meeting your fine company”. I semi joked with him. I did see a smirk upon his face after this line, and it did seem to lighten the mood a bit.
I then advised him that my grandfather had just made me his partner in the tavern, and I only wished to get back to him via boat, or on foot, to resume my duties there. “Tavern huh, where is this tavern located, son”, he enquired? “We are proprietors of the General Wolfe Inn near the long wharf, sir”, I responded. “The General Wolfe”, he once again questioned? “Yes sir, have you heard of it, sir”, I asked. “Well, I have visited that establishment more than a few times. I have a fine acquaintance with the old man that owns the tavern, Mr. Stanton. I enjoy both his drink, and his conversation. Very likable fellow he is indeed”, the colonel exclaimed. “That old man, Mr. Stanton is my grandfather, and he has as of recent made me his partner. I had been employed there since childhood. It is the only business I know”, I more courageously informed him. I then advised him that I had served many an English officer in the tavern, and perhaps I have served him as well. “Well”, he spoke out. I am sure that the General Wolfe Inn is owned by an ardent supporter of King George the third, and if you are the proprietor in partnership with the old tender there, you must be loyal to the king as well. Am I correct to believe this is true young man”? He asked. “Yes sir, I am as loyal to the crown as my grandfather is known to be”, I replied to the officer, of course stretching the truth just a bit.
Pausing for a few moments, looking as if he was deciding our fate, the colonel called in his inferior officer. “Captain Lewis, please enter so I might have a word with you”. Now we were in trouble, I could feel it. “Yes sir”, the young officer replied as he entered the tent, and removed his black hat. The colonel rose from his bench and instructed the man, “These boys are innocent of the charges. I myself have interviewed them extensively, and they appear to have only lost their way upon the river, and had no intention of reaching our camp. They have proven to me to be loyal to Great Britain, and shall be immediately released. I wish you to escort them to their boat, and allow them safe passage to return from whence they came.” “As you wish, sir”, the subordinate officer replied.
After being properly dismissed, as we were leaving the tent; surprised of our easily bought freedom, we all thanked the colonel for his leniency with this matter. “Very well gentlemen”, he replied. “I don’t wish to catch you in this river near our camp again, or it may turn out to be less fortunate than today’s pleasurable meeting. Are we understood”? He questioned to us. We all replied that it was clearly understood; clear as crystal. As I was the last in line to leave the tent, I heard the old officer call to me, “Mr. Crane”? I turned about to see what the colonel was enquiring of, “Yes sir”, I replied. “See you at the General Wolfe Inn one of these days, young man”, the colonel said to me; half jokingly. “Yes sir. Your next drink there is on me”, I replied. We then made haste to our boat, and managed to navigate her safely back to our home port, regardless of our lack of seamanship.
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